
Gromov-Witten Theory, Hodge Theory and Mirror Symmetry


May 24 - 30, 2017
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

This conference will be part of a series of activities jointly supported by TIMS and CUHK, including:
-Several short term focused research workshops (in Hong Kong and Taiwan) for intensive research;
-Several seminar talks by visitors (including faculty members, postdocs and students);
-Two conferences (one in Hong Kong and one in Taiwan), each with around 20 participants;
to initiate several research projects, discuss and exchange ideas, strengthen the connection among people working in symplectic geometry, complex geometry and mirror symmetry from Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Invited SpeakersYalong Cao ( University of Oxford, UK )
Cheol-Hyun Cho ( Seoul National University, South Korea )
Wu-Yen Chuang ( National Taiwan University )
Siu-Cheong Lau ( Boston University, USA )
Jaehyouk Lee ( Ewha Womens University, South Korea )
Tsung-Ju Lee ( Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences )
Yuan-Pin Lee ( University of Utah, USA & National Taiwan University )
Naichung Conan Leung ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong )
Changzheng Li ( Sun Yat-Sen University, China )
Qin Li ( Southern University of Science and Technology, China )
Ziming Nikolas Ma ( National Taiwan University )
Ryosuke Takahashi ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong )

Sz-Sheng Wang (Tsinghua University, China )

Matthew Young ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong )
Shilin Yu ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong )

Naichung Conan Leung ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong )

Ziming Nikolas Ma ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )
Chin-Lung Wang ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Natioanl Taiwan University
May. 24 (Wed.) 
14:00 ~ 14:50Registration
14:50 ~ 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 16:00Wu-Yen Chuang P=W conjecture and Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants
16:10 ~ 17:00Yalong Cao Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds
May. 25 (Thu.)
09:30 ~ 10:20Matthew Young Index theorems for B-twisted Landau-Ginzburg orientifolds
10:20 ~ 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 ~ 11:30Changzheng Li On a conjectural Peterson isomorphism in quantum K-theory
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Qin Li A construction of geometric quantization
14:50 ~ 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 16:00Yuan-Pin Lee Curve counting and stable quotient
16:10 ~ 17:00Sz-Sheng Wang Complete intersection Calabi--Yau 3-folds in Projective bundles
18:00 ~Banquet
May. 26 (Fri.)
09:30 ~ 10:20Cheol-Hyun Cho Globalizing localized mirror functors
10:20 ~ 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 ~ 11:30Siu-Cheong Lau Mirror symmetry for ADE geometries

12:00 ~ 14:00

14:00 ~ 14:50Jaehyouk Lee Polygon spaces and Quaternions
14:50 ~ 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 16:00Shilin Yu Deformation quantization of coadjoint orbits
May. 27 (Sat.)
9:30 ~ 10:20Tsung-Ju Lee Tautological systems under the conifold transition on $G(2,4)$
10:20 ~ 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 ~ 11:30Ryosuke Takahashi Index theorem for the moduli space of Z/2-harmonic spinors
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
May. 28 (Sun.)
9:30 ~ 18:00Conference Trip
May. 29 (Mon.)
09:30 ~ 10:20Naichung Conan Leung Remarks on mirror symmetry
10:20 ~ 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 ~ 11:30Discussion : Ziming Nikolas Ma
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Discussion : Cheol-Hyun Cho
14:50 ~ 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 16:00Discussion : Siu-Cheong Lau
May. 30 (Tue.)
9:30 ~ 10:20Discussion : Qin Li
10:20 ~ 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 ~ 11:30Discussion : Jae-hyouk Lee
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Discussion : Changzheng Li
Gromov-Witten Theory, Hodge Theory and Mirror Symmetry