
2016 TIMS Symposium on Environmental Flows

June 14 - 15, 2016
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Taida Institute of Mathematical Science (TIMS) will host a symposium on environmental flows on June 14-15. The symposium focuses on understanding the fluid motion that contributes to the functioning and variability of our environments, such as those in river, lake, ocean, and atmosphere. The ideas behind the symposium are to provide (1) tutorial lectures on selected fluid dynamics problems for students, and (2) a forum for environmental flow research and collaboration. The symposium consists of morning tutorial lectures and short research talks in the afternoon. This year's speaker is Steve Lentz from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Prof. Lentz will give tutorial lectures on "Wind-driven Continental Shelf Circulation". The short talks in the afternoon will showcase the diverse spatial and temporal scales associated with environmental flows, ranging from turbulence (1st talk) to climate change (last talk). We welcome students and researchers from any discipline to come. Welcom to 2017 TIMS Symposium on Environmental Flows

TOPIC: Wind-driven Continental Shelf Circulation

Plenary Speaker Steven J. Lentz ( Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA )
OrganizersShih-Nan Chen ( Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University )
Wu-Ting Tsai ( Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )
Natioanl Taiwan University
RegistrationRegistraion page is closed, please contact TIMS for participation information.

More Information

 For any further information, please consult the above menu links or contact TIMS.
Jun. 14 (Tue.) 
9:20 ~ 09:30Opening by Prof. Hung-Chi Kuo
9:30 ~ 10:30Steven J. Lentz Wind-driven Continental Shelf Circulation I
10:30 ~ 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 ~ 12:00Steven J. Lentz Wind-driven Continental Shelf Circulation II
12:00 ~ 13:00Lunch
13:00 ~ 13:10Opening by Prof. Chang-Shou Lin
13:10 ~ 14:40Chair: Chien‐Cheng Chang
13:10 ~ 13:40Wu-Ting Tsai Langmuir turbulence
13:40 ~ 14:10Yi-Ju Chou Convective sedimentation
14:10 ~ 14:40Shih-Nan Chen Buoyant coastal currents
14:40 ~ 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 17:10Chair: Tony Wen‐Hann Sheu
15:10 ~ 15:40Sen Jan Kuroshio
15:40 ~ 16:10I-I Lin Air-sea interaction
16:10 ~ 16:40Hung-Chi Kuo Typhoon
16:40 ~ 17:10Yen-Ting Hwang Climate
Jun. 15 (Wed.)
9:30 ~ 11:00Steven J. Lentz Wind-driven Continental Shelf Circulation III
11:00 ~ 12:00Discussion & Question
2016 TIMS Symposium on Environmental Flows