
TIMS-OCAMI-WASEDA International workshop on Painleve equations and related topics

May 10 - 13, 2015
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

This joint workshop is organized as a project under the agreement of academic cooperation between TIMS and OCAMI. It is also supported by Waseda University. It was initiated to build on the development of collaborations on Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis between Taiwan and Japan. We also propose to increase this momentum and bring in additional young researchers from Taiwan and Japan to enable them to learn from leading mathematicians in their research fields.

The focus of TIMS-OCAMI-WASEDA International workshop will be on Painleve equations and related topics. Recently, Painleve equations receive a lot of attentions, due to its applications in different research areas and physics models. The workshop will invite some experts in these areas to give some recent developments in several new directions and would like to encourage young students and post doctors to attend this conference.

Invited Speakers Zhijie Chen ( Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Sciences, National Taiwan University )
Hayato Chiba ( Kyushu University, Japan )
Martin A. Guest ( Waseda University, Japan )
Ting-Jung Kuo ( Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences )
Toshiyuki Mano ( University of the Ryukyus, Japan )

Hajime Nagoya ( Rikkyo University, Japan )

Yousuke Ohyama ( Osaka University, Japan )
Masa-Hiko Saito ( Kobe University, Japan )
OrganizersMartin A. Guest ( Waseda University, Japan )
Chang-Shou Lin ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )
Yoshihiro Ohnita ( Osaka City University, Japan & Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Japan )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )

National Taiwan University (CASTS)

Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Japan  (OCAMI)
Waseda University, Japan
RegistrationRegistraion page is closed, please contact TIMS for participation information.

More Information

For any further information, please consult the above menu links or contact TIMS.

May 10 (Sun.)

10:00 ~ 10:20Registration
10:20 ~ 10:30Open Session
10:30 ~ 12:00Masa-Hiko Saito Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (I)
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 15:30Yousuke Ohyama The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (I)
15:30 ~ 16:40Martin Guest Painleve III, old and new
16:40 ~ 17:00Coffee Break
17:00 ~ 18:30Toshiyuki Mano Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (I)
May 11 (Mon.)
10:30 ~ 12:00Masa-Hiko Saito Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (II)
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 15:30Hajime Nagoya Irregular conformal blocks and Painleve functions (I)
15:30 ~ 16:40Ting-Jung Kuo Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (I)
16:40 ~ 17:00Coffee Break
17:00 ~ 18:30Hayato Chiba Painleve equations and weight systems
May 12 (Tue.)
10:30 ~ 12:00Toshiyuki Mano Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (II)
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 15:30Hajime Nagoya Irregular conformal blocks and Painleve functions (II)
15:30 ~ 16:40Zhijie Chen Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (II)
16:40 ~ 17:00Coffee Break
17:00 ~ 18:30Hayato Chiba A spectral theory of linear operators on a Gelfand triplet and its application to dynamics of coupled oscillators
May 13 (Wed.)
10:00 ~ 11:30Yousuke Ohyama The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (II)
TIMS-OCAMI-WASEDA International workshop on Painleve equations and related topics