Scheduler -Detail View-
Summary | TIMS Seminar in Algebraic Geometry |
Beginning DateTime | 30th December 2022 Friday 10:00 (GMT+08:00) |
Finishing DateTime | 30th December 2022 Friday 11:30 (GMT+08:00) |
Location | Room 202, Astronomy and Mathematics Building |
Contact | |
Description | Speaker: Prof. Yu-Shen Lin (Boston University, USA) Title: Ricci-Flat Metrics on the Complement of Singular Divisors Abstract: Given a Fano manifold Y with a smooth anti-canonical divisor D, Tian-Yau solved the corresponding complex Monge-Ampere equation and proved that the complement X=Y\backslash D admits complete Ricci-flat metrics. It is little known if X admits a complex Ricci-flat metric if D is a simple normal crossing. In this talk, I will explain the recent work of Collins-Li which gives an affirmative result when \mbox{dim}_{\mathbb{C}}Y\geq 3. I will also give some partial results in dimension two based on a joint work in progress with Collins. |
Submitter | Assistant editor |
Class | Public |
Recur Rules | |