
Tutorial Workshop on Learning with Information Divergence Geometry


April 24 - 25, 2010 
308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Invited SpeakersShinto Eguchi ( The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan - ISM & Graduate University of Advanced Studies )
Osamu Komori ( The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan - ISM )
Chen-Hsiang Yeang ( Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica )
SponsorTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )
April 24
9:30 ~ 10:30Shinto Eguchi  Information divergence class and robust statistical methods I
10:30 ~ 11:00Tea Break
11:00 ~ 12:00Shinto Eguchi  Information divergence class and robust statistical methods II
12:00 ~ 13:30Lunch
13:30 ~ 14:30Shinto Eguchi  Information geometry on model uncertainty
14:30 ~ 15:00Tea Break
15:00 ~ 16:00Shinto Eguchi  Boosting leaning algorithm and U-loss functions I
16:20 ~ 17:20Chen-Hsiang Yeang  An information geometric perspective on active learning
April 25
9:30 ~ 10:30Shinto Eguchi &  Osamu Komori  Boosting leaning algorithm and U-loss functions II
10:30 ~ 11:00Tea Break
11:00 ~ 12:00Shinto Eguchi &  Osamu Komori  Pattern recognition from genome and omics data
Tutorial Workshop on Learning with Information Divergence Geometry