WorkshopsA Conference in Honor of the 70th Birthday of S. R. S. Varadhan
July 11 - 15, 2011
International Lecture Hall, Astronomy and Mathematics Building
Invited Speakers | . | Michael Aizenman (Princeton University, USA) |
. | Henri Berestycki (EHESS, France) | |
. | Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich, Switzerland) | |
. | Maury Bramson (University of Minnesota, USA) | |
. | Luis A. Caffarelli (University of Texas at Austin, USA) | |
. | Sourav Chatterjee (New York University, USA) | |
. | Lung-Chi Chen (Fu Jen Catholic University) | |
. | Percy Deift (New York University, USA) | |
. | Peter K. Friz (TU-Berlin, Germany) | |
. | Tadahisa Funaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan) | |
. | Elena Kosygina (Baruch College, USA) | |
. | Claudio Landim (Instituto Nacional de Matématica Pura e Aplicada, Brasil) | |
. | Joel Lebowitz (Rutgers University, USA) | |
. | Charles M. Newman (New York University, USA) | |
. | Stefano Olla (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, France) | |
. | Ross Pinsky (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) | |
. | Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto, Canada) | |
. | Firas Rassoul-Agha (University of Utah, USA) | |
. | Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (University of California, Berkeley, USA) | |
. | Richard M. Schoen (Stanford University, USA) | |
. | Sunder Sethuraman (Iowa State University, USA) | |
. | Jalal Shatah (New York University, USA) | |
. | Thomas Spencer (Institute for Advanced Study, USA) | |
. | Herbert Spohn (Technical University Munich, Germany) | |
. | Alain-Sol Sznitman (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zürich) | |
. | Tai-Peng Tsai (University of British Columbia, Canada & National Taiwan University) | |
. | Cédric Villani (Institut Henri Poincaré, France) | |
. | Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University, USA & National Taiwan University) | |
. | Atilla Yilmaz (University of California, Berkeley, USA) | |
. | Ofer Zeitouni (University of Minnesota, USA) | |
Organizers | . | Gerard Ben Arous (New York University, USA) |
. | Chang-Shou Lin (Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University) | |
. | Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard University, USA) | |
Sponsors | . | Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS ) |
. | Natioanl Taiwan University | |
Lecture Title and Abstract | Please submit the title and abstract of your talk to Ms. Wei-Jhen Tsai ( before Jun. 01, 2011. | |
Registration | Registraion page is closed, please contact Ms. Wei-Jhen Tsai ( for participation information. | |
More Information | For any further information, please consult the above menu links or contact Ms. Wei-Jhen Tsai ( | |
Program | ||
Jul. 11, 2011 Monday | ||
08:00 ~ 08:45 | Registration | |
08:45 ~ 09:00 | Welcome Speech | |
10:40 ~ 11:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:35 ~ 14:30 | Lunch | |
16:10 ~ 16:40 | Coffee Break | |
Jul. 12, 2011 Tuesday | ||
10:40 ~ 11:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:35 ~ 14:30 | Lunch | |
16:10 ~ 16:30 | Coffee Break | |
16:30 ~ 16:50 | S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan’s work | |
18:00 ~ | Banquet | |
Jul. 13, 2011 Wednesday | ||
10:40 ~ 11:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:50 ~ | Lunch | |
Jul. 14, 2011 Thursday | ||
10:40 ~ 11:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:35 ~ 14:30 | Lunch | |
16:10 ~ 16:40 | Coffee Break | |
Jul. 15, 2011 Friday | ||
10:40 ~ 11:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:35 ~ 13:40 | Lunch |