Courses / Activities

On the Geometry of Siegel modular varieties with parahoric level structure


Chia-Fu Yu

10:30:00 - 11:20:00

On the Geometry of Siegel modular varieties with parahoric level structure

101 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

We will report recent works with Ulrich Goertz on the geometry of the reduction mod p of Siegel modular varieties with small level at p. Besides the Newton "stratification" on these moduli spaces, there is yet another stratification which arises from the cell decomposition of local models and seems to be more accessable. The latter was introduced by Kottwitz and Rapoport, called the KR strata, and defined in the paper by Genestier and Ngo. We will describe global properties of these subvarieties together with direct link to representation theory.