
Modular Forms and Function Field Arithmetic (A conference in honor of Jing Yu's 60th birthday)


May 19 - 22, 2009

About the conference

    Professor Jing Yu received a B.S. degree in mathematics from National Taiwan Normal University in 1972. Afterwards he went to the United States and studied mathematics at Yale University with Serge Lang. He went back Taiwan immediately after receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1980.

    Since then, he conducted many courses and seminars in number theory in many major universities and he has done many major works in the arithmetic of function fields, espceially the transcendence theory. His courses, seminars and research works have great impact on the development of number theory in Taiwan. Moreover, he is also a worldwide leading expert in the theory of Drinfeld modules.

    His contribution has been greatly appreciated and recognized by receiving many outstanding awards in Taiwan. Currently he is a National Chair Professor, an eminent title endowed by the Ministry of Education.

Invited speakersSunghan Bae ( KAIST, Korea )
Florian Breuer ( University of Stellenbosch, South Africa )
Chieh-Yu Chang ( NCTS and National Central University, Taiwan )
Chia-Fu Yu ( Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler ( Saarland University, Germany )
Wentang Kuo ( University of Waterloo, Canada )
Yu-Ru Liu ( University of Waterloo, Canada )
Matthew Papanikolas ( Texas A&M University, USA )
Yuichiro Taguchi ( Kyushu University, Japan )
Dinesh Thakur ( University of Arizona, USA )
Jacques Tilouine ( Universite Paris 13, France )
Michel Waldschmidt ( Universite Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, France )
Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang ( Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Gisbert Wüstholz ( ETH, Switzerland )
Linsheng Yin ( Tsinghua University, China )
Qin Yue ( Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China )
The scientific committee membersDale Brownawell( Penn State )
Ching-Li Chai( U Penn )
Liang-Chung Hsia ( National Central U )
Wen-Ching W. Li ( Penn State )
Chang-Shou Lin (chair) ( National Taiwan U )
Jiu-Kang Yu ( Purdue )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS)
Center for Math. and Theoretical Phys., National Central University
Contact Information: If you have any question, please email
Day1: Tuesday, 19 May
9:45-10:00Opening: Chang-Shou Lin
ChairWen-Ching W. Li
10:10-11:00Gisbert Wüstholz
11:10-12:00Dinesh Thakur
ChairLiang-Chung Hsia
13:40-14:30Linsheng Yin
14:30-15:00Tea Time
15:00-15:50Yu-Ru Liu
Day2: Wednesday, 20 May
ChairJiu-Kang Yu
9:00-9:50Jacques Tilouine
10:30-11:20Chia-Fu Yu
ChairWen-Chen Chi
13:40-14:30Yuichiro Taguchi
14:30-15:00Tea Time
15:00-15:50Wentang Kuo
16:00-16:50Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang
Day 3: Thursday, 21 May
ChairChin Lung Wang
9:00-9:50Matthew Papanikolas
10:30-11:20Chieh-Yu Chang
ChairYi-Fan Yang
13:40-14:30Florian Breuer
14:30-15:00Tea Time
15:00-15:50Sunghan Bae
16:00-16:50Qin Yue
Day 4: Friday, 22 May
ChairChing-Li Chai
9:00-9:50Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler
Lunch and Tour to the Palace Museum
Modular Forms and Function Field Arithmetic (A conference in honor of Jing Yu's 60th birthday)