
A pro-p group-theoretic criterion for good reduction of ordinary proper hyperbolic curves


Yuichiro Hoshi ( Kyoto University, Japan )
2018-02-07  09:10 - 10:00
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Oda and Tamagawa gave a pro-l group-theoretic criterion for good reduction of hyperbolic curves which asserts that a hyperbolic curve has good reduction if and only if the associated pro-l outer Galois representation is unramified. Andreatta, Iovita, and Kim gave a p-adic criterion for good reduction of proper hyperbolic curves which asserts that a proper hyperbolic curve admitting semistable model has good reduction if and only if the associated p-adic unipotent fundamental group is crystalline. In this talk, we discuss a pro-p group-theoretic criterion for good reduction of ordinary proper hyperbolic curves.