
Geometry Crossing Singularities


TIMS 2024 Summer Program in Geometry
July 10 - 20, 2024  
Room 202, Astronomy Mathematics Bldg., NTU

Aim & Scope

Singularity is ubiquitous and has become the main focus in the study of mathematics and physics. It not only provides a proper place to study generalizations of theories on smooth objects but also carries information to bridge two different models and their geometry. The 2024 TIMS Summer Program aims to bring together scholars in related areas and provide an opportunity to exchange their ideas. We will be focusing on recent developments of differential geometry, algebraic geometry, as well as quantum geometry related to conifold transitions and beyond, from both mathematical and physical aspects. Through the program, we hope to promote collaborations and benefit local young scholars at all levels.

Summer School
Date: July 10 - 12, July 15 - 17
Speakers and topicsTristan Collins ( University of Toronto ) A mini-course on conifold transitions
Marco Gualtieri ( University of Toronto ) Introduction to generalized Kaehler structures
Chao-Ming Lin ( Ohio State University ) Sigma-curvature equations
 Sebastein Picard ( University of British Columbia ) Strominger systems
Mauricio Romo ( SIMIS and Fudan University ) M-theory and enumerative invariants

Alessandro Tomasiello University of Milano-Bicocca ) Supergravity and generalized geometry

Workshop: Geometry crossing singularities
Date: July 18 - 20
Invited SpeakersShih-Kai Chiu ( Vanderbilt University )
Tristan Collins ( University of Toronto )
Teng Fei* ( Rutgers University )
Chin-Yu Hsiao ( Academia Sinica )
Tsung-Ju Lee ( National Cheng Kung University )
Chao-Ming Lin ( Ohio State University )
Yu-Shen Lin ( Boston University )
Sebastien Picard ( University of British Columbia )
Mauricio Romo ( SIMIS and Fudan University )
Sz-Sheng Wang (Academia Sinica)
OrganizersWu-yen Chuang ( TIMS & National Taiwan University )
Tsung-Ju Lee ( National Cheng Kung University ) 
Chin-Lung Wang ( TIMS & National Taiwan University )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS)
National Taiwan University (NTU)
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
RegistrationPlease click here or scan the the QR code below for registration by July 1.
Geometry Crossing Singularities