TalksMotivic Multiple Zeta Values (III)

Jianqiang Zhao ( Eckerd college, USA )
2016-06-20 10:30 - 11:30
Room 103, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)
In this talk I will first describe how to define the motivic version of MZVs following Deligne, Goncharov and Brown. Then I will outline the proof by Brown of the Deligne-Ihara conjecture concerning the motivic fundamental group of the projective line minus 3 points. I'll also consider the Hoffman Conjecture which says that a basis of MZVs can be given by those MZVs whose arguments are either 2 or 3. Finally, I will sketch a proof of the analogous motivic Hoffman Conjecture for the star version of MZVs by combining the work of Glanois, Hessami-Pilehroods and myself.