
Real-World Computer Simulation by Using a Supercomputer


Takayuki Aoki
2013-06-03  11:20 - 12:10
Room 103, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Real-world simulations based on fluid dynamics require huge amount of computer resources. Only by large-scale computation on world top-class supercomputers the computational demands can be satisfied. We demonstrate three applications carried out on the whole TSUBAME 2.0 system, which has 2.4 PFLOPS of the peak performance at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. First, we show high resolution meso-scale atmosphere model ASUCA that is being developed by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for the purpose of the next-generation weather forecasting service. We have succeeded in a weather prediction with 500-m resolution (cf. Current JMA weather forecast uses 5km mesh). We also show an air flow simulation for 10 km x 10 km area of a central part of Tokyo with 1-m resolution by Lattice Boltzmann method, in which a new Large-Eddy Simulation model has been employed. Finally we talk about a phase-field simulation to develop new materials by studying the dendritic solidification of Al-Si alloy. We achieved 2.0 PFLOPS in single precision, which is 44.5% of the peak performance.

Short Bio: Takayuki Aoki received a BSc in Applied Physics (1983), an MSc in Energy Science and Dr.Sci (1989) from Tokyo Institute of Technology, has been a professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2001 and the deputy director of the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center since 2009. He received the Computational Mechanics Achievement Award from Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and many awards and honors in GPU computing, scientific visualization, and others. His team got the Gordon Bell Prize, Special Achievement in Scalability and Time-to-Solution in 2011. He was also recognized as a CUDA fellow by NVIDIA in 2012.