
A Mirror Mirror Theorem for the Quintic Calabi-Yau Threefold


Yuan-Pin Lee

13:10:00 - 14:40:00

103 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

The celebrated Mirror Theorem states that the genus zero part of the A model (quantum cohomology, rational curves counting) of the Fermat quintic threefold is equivalent to the B model (complex deformation, variation of Hodge structure) of its mirror dual orbifold. In this talk, I will establish a mirror-dual statement. Namely, the B model of the Fermat quintic threefold is shown to be equivalent to the A model of its mirror for the most essential one- parameter families on both sides. This establishes the mirror symmetry as a true duality. I will keep the talk at very basic level, at least for the first half of the lecture, and will not assume prior knowledge on either quantum cohomology or variation of Hodge structures. This is a joint work with Mark Shoemaker from University of Michigan.