WorkshopsTutorial Title: Essence of Fluid dynamic Simulations

Kozo Fujii
09:10:00 - 10:20:00
308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) became one of the important tools for fluid dynamic analysis and design. However, CFD simulations still require large-scale computers for good estimation of flow structures and aerodynamic performance. Therefore, even with rapid progress of computers, we continue to develop more efficient and more accurate numerical algorithm. In this talk, reasons why CFD requires such high-end computers and highly accurate numerical algorithms are discussed as a background of CFD study and recent trend of CFD simulations. Flow unsteadiness is one of the key words and no-linearity and stiffness are the key characteristics of fluid dynamic equations. Numbers of application examples in aerospace and mechanical engineering will be used to show the key issues.