
Asymptotic formulas for the boundary layers of Poisson-Boltzmann equations in certain high-dimensional domains


Chiun-Chang Lee

14:50:00 - 15:30:00

R101 , Astronomy and Mathematics Building

The Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation is widely used to model the ion transport in the equilibrium of an electrolyte solution. Physically, the electrical double layer (EDL) is an important issue for the study of the PB equation. This motivates us to study the asymptotic behaviour for the boundary layer of the solutions of the PB equation. In this talk, we introduce the precise asymptotic formulas for the slope of the boundary layers with the exact leading order term and the second-order term. In particular, these formulas show that the mean curvature of the boundary exactly occur on the second-order term.

If time permits, I also want to introduce a modified PB equation - New Poisson-Boltzmann equation- joint works with Prof. Tai-Chia Lin and Chun Liu.

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