
A conservative scheme for solving coupled surface-bulk convection-diffusion equations with an application to interfacial flows with soluble surfactant


Ming-Chih Lai

10:20:00 - 11:10:00

101 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Many problems in biological, physical and material sciences involve solving partial differential equations in complex domains or deformable interfaces. In particular, the underlying material quantities in the bulk domain may couple with the one in the interface through adsorption of mass from the bulk to the interface and the desorption of mass from the interface to the bulk.

In this talk, we present a conservative scheme for solving the coupled bulk-surface concentration equations and test it for different setups. The total mass is well conserved numerically comparing with the literature. The effect of solubility of surfactant on drop deformation in a shear flow is investigated in detail.

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