Courses / Activities

Numerical Zoom for localized Multi-Scale Problems


Olivier Pironneau

15:00:00 - 17:00:00

308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

We shall present a numerical method similar to the zooming technique that every body use to see a graphic detail. The natural framework is the Schwarz domain decomposition method on non matching grid for which we shall present

1. A necessary and sufficient condition for convergence

2. Alternatives similar to the Hilbert Decomposition Method and to Mortar or Arlequin approximations

The safety assessment of a nuclear waste repository underground in a clay layer is by nature a multiscale problem for which, in principle it is not possible to obtain a numerical solution without extensive computer resources. However if the solution is needed only in some small restricted region of space then the multiscale decomposition described earlier can be applied with much less computer memory and cpu time than a full solution of the problem with a resolution of all scales.

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