
Mirror symmetry in higher genus III


Shinobu Hosono

13:20:00 - 15:00:00

308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

The topic I have in mind is related to the subject "Mirror Symmetry in higher genus (e.g. BCOV)" according to your classification. The content will be based on my latest work with Takagi (mathAG/arXive:1101.2746v1), where we have studied projective geometry of Reye congruence in G(2,5), and also calculated its higher genus GW invariants.

The Reye congruence has a very similar property to the well-studied Calabi-Yau 3 folds related to the projective duality of G(2,7) and Pfaffian(7). Further, we may regard that these are examples of three dimensional analogue of the Fourier-Mukai partners studied well for K3 surfaces. I may focus on these background as well as some technical part of the BCOV calculations.