
Small solutions of nonlinear Schroedinger equations near first excited states


Tai-Peng Tsai

09:55:00 - 10:40:00

國際會議廳 , Astronomy and Mathematics Building

Consider a nonlinear Schrodinger equation in $R^3$ whose linear part has three or more eigenvalues satisfying some resonance conditions. Solutions which are initially small in $H^1 \cap L^1(R^3)$ and inside a neighborhood of the first excited state family are shown to converge to either a first excited state or a ground state at time infinity. An essential part of our analysis is on the linear and nonlinear estimates near nonlinear excited states, around which the linearized operators have eigenvalues with nonzero real parts and their corresponding eigenfunctions are not uniformly localized in space. This is a joint work with Kenji Nakanishi and Tuoc Van Phan.

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