
An adaptively weighted statistic for detecting differential gene expression when combining multiple transcriptomic studies.


Chien-Cheng Tseng
2010-05-14  10:00 - 11:00
Room 308, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Global expression analyses using microarray technologies are becoming more common in genomic research, therefore new statistical challenges associated with combining information from multiple studies must be addressed. In this paper we will describe our proposal for an adaptively weighted (AW) statistic to combine multiple genomic studies for detecting differentially expressed genes. We will also present our results from comparisons of our proposed AW statistic to Fisher's equally weighted (EW), Tippett's minimum p-value (minP), and Pearson's (PR) statistics. Due to the absence of a uniformly powerful test, we used a simplified Gaussian scenario to compare the four methods. Our AW statistic consistently produced the best or near-best power for a range of alternative hypotheses. AW-obtained weights also have the additional advantage of filtering discordant biomarkers and providing natural detected gene categories for further biological investigation. Here we will demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed AW statistic based on a mix of power analyses, simulations, and applications using data sets for multi-tissue energy metabolism mouse, multi-lab prostate cancer, and lung cancer.