
The geometry of $J$-holomorphic mappings between strongly pseudo-convex manifolds


Takanari Saotome 
16:30 - 17:30 
308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

In this talk, we will study the some geometric properties of $J$-holomorphic mappings into a strongly pseudo-convex manifold. $J$-holomorphic curves into a symplectic manifold are initially investigated by M.Gromov, and it is used to construct various symplectic invariants. Although a strongly pseudo-convex manifold is an odd-dimensional manifold, we can consider an analogous notion of $J$-holomorphic curves. Also for $J$-holomorphic mappings between strongly pseudo-convex manifolds, we have some good property like as removable singularity theorem or elliptic regularity property. I will explain similarity of $J$-holomorphic mappings and $J$-holomorphic curves into a symplectic manifold, and problems.