
Collapses of the mean curvature flows for equifocal submanifolds and proper complex equifocal submanifolds


Naoyuki Koike 
14:00 - 15:00 
308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

In this talk, I will present the results for the mean curvature flow having equifocal submanifolds in a symmetric space of compact type (and its focal submanifolds) as initial data. I explain that the proof is performed by investigating the lifts of the flows to an (infinite dimensional) Hilbert space through a Riemannian submersion of the Hilbert space onto the symmetric space. Next I will present the results for the mean curvature flow having proper complex equifocal submanifolds in a symmetric space of non-compact type (and its focal submanifolds) as initial data. I explain that the proof is performed by investigating the lifts of the flows to an (infinite dimensional) pseudo-Hilbert space through a pseudo-Riemannian submersion of the pseudo-Hilbert space onto the symmetric space.