
Genetic Switch in Periodically Changing Environments


Wen-Jer Tseng

10:30:00 - 12:00:00

Genetic Switch in Periodically Changing Environments

405 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Because all the cell populations are capable of making switches between different genetic expression states in response to the environmental change, it is natural to ask the question: In a constantly fluctuating environment, which type of cell population (heterogeneous or homogeneous) is fitter in the long term? We take an extensive analysis about how the cell population evolves in a periodically switching environment either with symmetrical time-span or asymmetrical time-span. A complete picture of the phase diagrams for both cases is obtained. Furthermore, we also explain in detail how the fitness problem bears much resemblance to the phenomenon, stochastic resonance, in physical sciences.