
Workshop on Mathematical Models of Electrolytes with Application to Molecular Biology


December 25 - 27, 2013
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Aims and Scope

Electrolytes are solutions of acids, bases or salts containing free ions that make the substance electrically conductive. In biology, electrolytes flow in and out of cell membrane and play important roles in physiology and pathology. Understanding these complicated dynamics not only give formidable challenges but also motivations for new mathematical theories and techniques. The main goal of the workshop is to discuss the biological models of PDE, MD simulations and the relation of mathematical results and biological significance.The workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers in related areas to share and discuss their current research ideas.

Invited SpeakersChiun-Chuan Chen  (Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University)
Yannick Deleuze  (National Taiwan University)
Bob Eisenberg  (Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology, Rush University Medical Center, USA)
Tzyy-Leng Horng  (Feng Chia University)
YunKyong Hyon  (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Korea)
Feng-Nan Hwang  (Department of Mathematics, National Central University)
Jung-Hsin Lin  (Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica & National Taiwan University)
Jinn-Liang Liu  (National Hsinchu University of Education)
Weiqing Ren  (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Guowei Wei  (Michigan State University, USA)
Shixin Xu  (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Xingye Yue  (Soochow University, China)

Tai-Chia Lin  (Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University)

Chun Liu  (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
SponsorsNational Taiwan University  (CASTS)
Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )
Dec. 25 (Wed.)
9:30 ~ 10:10Registration & Coffee
10:10 ~ 10:20Open Session
10:20 ~ 11:10

Bob Eisenberg New Solutions are Needed for Old Problems

11:10 ~ 12:00

Guowei Wei Multiscale multiphysics and multidomain models for biomolecules

12:00 ~ 13:20Lunch
13:20 ~ 14:10Chiun-Chuan Chen Traveling wave solutions of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations
14:10 ~ 14:20Break
14:20 ~ 15:10Jung-Hsin Lin Ligand-Perturbed Protein Dynamics Enlightened with Hierarchical Markov State Model Analysis
15:10 ~ 15:30Break & Coffee
15:30 ~ 16:20

Jinn-Liang Liu A Poisson-Fermi Theory for Biological Ion Channels: Models and Methods

16:20 ~ 16:30Break
16:30 ~ 17:20Chiun-Chang Lee What Can Charge Conserving Poisson-Boltzmann Equations Describe?
Dec. 26 (Thu.)
9:30 ~ 10:20Registration & Coffee
10:10 ~ 10:20

Weiqing Ren Modeling and simulation of moving contact lines in multi-phase flows

11:10 ~ 12:00

Xingye Yue Numerical study on the population genetic drift problems

12:00 ~ 13:20Lunch
13:20 ~ 14:10

Wen-Hann Sheu Keller-Segel model in acupuncture

14:10 ~ 14:20Break
14:20 ~ 15:10

Shixin Xu Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin Pores

15:10 ~ 15:30Break & Coffee
15:30 ~ 16:20

YunKyong Hyon An Energetic Variational Approach to Ion Channel Dynamics

16:20 ~ 16:30Break
16:30 ~ 17:20

Chiun-Chang Lee What Can Charge Conserving Poisson-Boltzmann Equations Describe?

18:00 ~Banquet
Dec. 27 (Fri.)
9:30 ~ 10:20Registration & Coffee
10:20 ~ 12:00Discussion
12:00 ~Lunch
Workshop on Mathematical Models of Electrolytes with Application to Molecular Biology