
Some remarks to S.M.T. related to semi-abelian varieties


Junjiro Noguchi

10:00:00 - 11:00:00

101 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

It is known that there is a good picture of the distribution of rational or integral points and the value distribution of entire curves in semi-abelian varieties. In the latter case the degeneracy theorems are deduced from some S.M.T. (second main theorem) for entire curves. In this talk I would like to discuss the S.M.T.-problem for an entire curve f into a compactification of an algebraic variety X of log-general type with irregularity dim X; here f is allowed to hit the boundary divisor. As a special case we will have that every entire curve into such X is algebraically degenerate (Noguchi, Winkelmann, Yamanoi, Lu).