
Pseudo-Partial Likelihood for Proportional Hazards Models with Biased-Sampling Data


Wei-Yann Tsai

14:30:00 - 17:00:00

Pseudo-Partial Likelihood for Proportional Hazards Models with Biased-Sampling Data

502 , Freshman Classroom Building

We obtain a "pseudo-partial likelihood" for proportional hazards models with biased-sampling data by viewing biased-sampling data as left-truncated data. The log pseudo-partial likelihood of the biased-sampling data is the expectation of the log partial likelihood of the left-truncated data conditioned on the observed data. In addition, asymptotic properties of the estimator which maximizes the pseudo-partial likelihood are derived. Applications to length-biased data, biased samples with right censoring, stratified samples, and proportional hazards models with missing covariates are also discussed.