
Design, Interface, Implementation, and Usage of OSCEF


Sou-Cheng Choi
2013-01-02  11:10 - 12:00
Room 103 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

OSCEF (Open-Source CIM-EARTH Framework) is an environment for integrated economic and climate modeling, analyses, and simulation. The initial version of the framework was written in AMPL and called ASCEF. Both OSCEF and ASCEF are frameworks in the umbrella project CIM-EARTH (Community Integrated Model for Energy and Resource Trajectories for Humankind). To facilitate adoption of CIM-EARTH and integration of data processing and analytic services, we move the implementation from AMPL to ANSI/ISO C++ and develop standard input and output formats to produce the OSCEF framework. The core of this software framework is the methodology for formulating and solving large-scale computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. In this talk we present the CGE models, the key interfaces for reading and modifying standard social accounting matrices (SAM) and production-function trees; these data are the key inputs to the CGE models we simulate. We also define interfaces for setting up and solving CGE problems. These building blocks can be combined and extended to construct reproducible scientific workflows on high-performance computing resources that include reading and manipulating inputs, simulating dynamic models, automating parametric sensitivity analyses, and providing analyses and visualization services for results. This is ongoing work with Todd Munson.