
Reconstruction of inhomogeneous conductivities via generalized polarization tensors


Youjun Deng

14:50:00 - 15:30:00

R101 , Astronomy and Mathematics Building

This paper extends the concept of generalized polarization tensors (GPTs), which was previously defined for inclusions with homogeneous conductivities, to inhomogeneous conductivity inclusions. We begin by giving two slightly different but equivalent definitions of the GPTs for inhomogeneous inclusions. We then show that, as in the homogeneous case, the GPTs are the basic building blocks for the far-field expansion of the voltage in the presence of the conductivity inclusion. Relating the GPTs to the Neumann-to-Dirichlet (NtD) map, it follows that the full knowledge of the GPTs allows unique determination of the conductivity distribution. Furthermore, we show important properties, such as symmetry and positivity, the GPTs and derive bounds satisfied by their harmonic sums. We also compute the sensitivity of the GPTs with respect to changes in the conductivity distribution and propose an algorithm for reconstructing conductivity distributions from their GPTs. We demonstrate viability of the algorithm by preforming a sensitivity analysis and giving some numerical examples.

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