
Hylomorphic Solitons


Vieri Benci

09:00:00 - 09:50:00

R102 , Astronomy and Mathematics Building

Roughly speaking a solitary wave is a solution of field equation whose energy travels as a localized packet and which preserves this localization in time. A soliton is a solitary wave which exhibits some strong form of stability so that it has a particle-like behavior. This talk is devoted to solitary waves and solitons whose existence is related to the ratio (energy)/(hylenic charge). The name hylenic charge refers to an other invariant of motions which depends on the particular equation we are dealing with. The class of hylomorphic solitons includes the Q-balls, which are spherically symmetric solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, as well as solitary waves which occur, by the same mechanism, in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation and in gauge theories. Also waves in nonlinearly supported beams can be considered hylomorphic solitons.

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